7 Signs That It’s Time For New Cabinets


If you’re current countertops and cabinets weren’t made from superior materials or maintained well over the years you’re probably ready for a fresh clean look. If you’re not convinced, here are 7 Signs That It’s Time For New Cabinets!

  1. If you’re expanding or rearranging your kitchen it may be easier to just plan for new cabinetry. Many times the same cabinets can’t be reused after a renovation like this so it’s better to plan for a whole new look.
  2. If someone in your home – or a previous owner – were a smoker it may have added that gross yellowish film to all of the surfaces in your kitchen. Any smoke damage will ruin your cabinetry, robbing it of a clean look. 
  3. Your countertops are simply outdated. If your home hasn’t had any cosmetic updates in the last twenty years chances are it looks it’s age.
  4. You’re selling your home and want to increase its value. This is a big one! Most home buyers want a house with a great kitchen. If yours is old or falling apart it’s going to discourage prospective buyers from moving forward with the sale.
  5. If your current countertops are warped, have burns on them, cracks along the surfaces or they’re pealing, it is time for new countertops. If you’re going to rip out your old countertops you may want to resurface your current cabinets to make them “like new” or go with a whole new look structurally. 
  6. If you need to accommodate a family member in a wheelchair you will want to install lower countertops and lower island top.
  7. If you have outdated appliances, an old sink, or are thinking about installing new lighting, it may be time to update those old cabinets as well.

I encourage you to consider whether or not it’s time to update that old kitchen.

Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!
-Corey Steiner
Content Producer
Elegant Cabinets

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